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Category Archives: Health

Pros and Cons of Tapering Off Alcohol Intake

Pros and Cons of Tapering Off Alcohol Intake Whether you’re a daily imbiber, heavy drinker, or frequent binge drinker, you’re likely to experience withdrawal symptoms when you quit. Unfortunately, there’s little to no evidence that tapering off reduces the effects of alcohol withdrawal, some of which

How to reduce, stop, and quit drinking alcoholic beverages

How to reduce, stop, and quit drinking alcoholic beverages, start by ‘stop thinking about drinking one glass a day’  For those who really care about their health and want to start abstaining from drinking alcohol, Dr. Faiz suggests, “Stop thinking about having one drink a

Treatment Currently, there is no specific treatment norovirus infection.

Therefore, treatment Currently, there is no specific treatment for norovirus infection. Treatment focuses on supporting symptoms In addition, norovirus infection can be easily transmitted from one person to another through the following behaviors : How can you prevent norovirus if there is no vaccine? There is currently

Norovirus virus that causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Norovirus virus that causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. What is “norovirus” and why does it occur in children? Dr. Pornthep Suandok, Pediatrician at Bangkok Hospital, explained that norovirus is a virus that causes inflammation of the digestive system. This type of virus spreads easily

Instant white skin formula within 2 weeks! With natural ingredients.

Instant white skin formula within 2 weeks! With natural ingredients.

Many girls want to have white, smooth skin in a short time, so they search for methods or spend money for superficial white skin that comes with various dangers, forgetting that “natural therapy” is the best and safest method. 1. Wash your face with honey.           The