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Monthly Archives: April 2023

6 causes of "hair loss" that you may not know

6 causes of “hair loss” that you may not know

Many people start to worry every time. When you wash your hair and see a pile of your own hair flowing into the water pipe, “ hair loss , for sure” are you thinking like this? But today we will tell you a helper to solve hair loss problems

5 wrong ways to take herbal medicine life threatening

5 wrong ways to take herbal medicine life threatening

It is believed that herbal medicines are safe. and give better results than guava pills or antibiotics many patients especially patients with chronic diseases Often turn to choose to take herbal medicine. with the understanding that herbal medicines come from nature Does not remain in the liver until it causes liver damage

8 dangers - side effects from eating Kratom leaves should know before eating

8 dangers – side effects from eating Kratom leaves should know before eating

Dr. Sarayut Boonchai Panichwattana Director of the Boromarajonani National Institute for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts stated that in the Kratom leaves. An important substance was found, Mitragynine, which is an alkaloid. Central nervous system depressant similar to opium. But approximately 8 times less potent and 7-hydroxymitragynine Rarely